Cercospora leaf spot of carrot
Carrot Cercospora leaf spot of carrot Cercospora carotae Leaf
A carrot leaf showing cercospora leaf spot symptoms
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Family: Mycosphaerellaceae
Genus: Cercospora
Species: Cercospora carotae
Carrot leaf blight
Cercospora leaf spot

Cercospora leaf spot of carrot is a disease caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora carotae. The fungus thrives in warm, humid conditions. It is often caused by diseased seeds or planting materials and promoted by poor air flow, low sunlight, overcrowding, improper soil nutrient and irrigation management and poor soil drainage.[1]


Infested leaf has tan to brown spots with curled leaf margin and later on it withers. As the disease progresses, the leaflets turn yellow and also with curled margins. Spots on the leaf petioles, stems, and flower parts become elongated and have dark-brown color. On heavily infested plant, defoliation may occur.[1]


Remove and destroy infected plants.


Practice crop rotation. Use diseased-free seeds or use resistant cultivars. Observe proper planting distances and maintain sanitation by removing a disposing of infected plant materials. Avoid working when plants are wet.[1]


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